Butterflies of Puerto Rico

    While doing our masters degree from Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, Roosevelet County, New Mexico, USA, we got a chance to explore the state and witness some of the most beautiful butterflies in North America.

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    Callisto nubila - Puertorican Callisto
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    Antillea pelops - Antillean Crescent
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    Atlantea tulita - Puertorican Harlequin
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    Anartia jatrophae - White Peacock
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    Hemiargus hanno - Hanno Blue
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    Strymon acis - Caribbean Scrub-hairstreak
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    Ephyriades arcas - Glossy Duskywing
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    Pyrisitia puertoricensis - Puertorican Yellow
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    Choranthus vitellius - V-mark Skipper

    In February-March 2024, we had the privilege of documenting the butterfly fauna of Puerto Rico, thanks to funding from the Entomological Society of America (ESA). During our expedition, we explored various regions, including El Yunque National Forest, Guanica, Maricao, Quebradillas, and Arecio.

    Rarity Index:
    extremely rare: 1 individual seen very rare: 2-3 individuals seen rare: 4-5 individuals seen uncommon: 6-10 individuals seen common: 10 plus individuals seen
    * beside rarity color represents the species is local. For instance, * represents the species is rare and local.

    Photographed Species

    63%    (60/96)
    H P Pi L R N

    Hesperiidae (19): Skippers  

    Hesperiids are commonly known as skippers and are members of true butterflies (Papilionoidea). They have hooked antennae and small wings compared to their bulky bodies. Some groups keep their wings closed while some prefer to keep them flat open. Hesperiids have a very fast flight what with some are called swifts and darts.

    Eudaminae (05)

    Astraptes anaphus - Yellow-tipped Flasher
    Epagyreus zestos - Zestos Skipper
    Proteides mercurius pedro - Mercurial Skipper
    Urbanus dorantes - Dorantes Longtail
    Urbanus proteus - Longtail Skipper

    Pyrginae (03)

    Eantis minor - Lesser Sicklewing
    Ephyriades arcas - Glossy Duskywing
    Burnsius oileus - Tropical Checkered Skipper

    Hesperiinae (11)

    Pieridae (12): Whites and Yellows  

    Also known as the whites and yellows, Pieridae can often be seen mud-puddling. The name "butterfly" is believed to have originated from common brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni which is butter in color.

    Pierinae (02)

    Ascia monuste - Great Southern White
    Glutophrissa drusilla - Florida White

    Coliadinae (10)

    Lycaenidae (09): Blues  

    Also known as the blues because of the blue upperwings of most species, this family contains some of the smallest butterflies of the world. Brephidium exilis - Western Pygmy-blue, is considered to be the smallest butterfly found in the USA.

    Theclinae (06)

    Allosmaitia fidena - Fidena Hairstreak
    Chlorostrymon maesites - Amethyst Hairstreak
    Electrostrymon angelia - Fulvous Hairstreak
    Nesiostrymon celida - Caribbean Hairstreak
    Strymon acis - Caribbean Scrub-hairstreak
    Strymon bubastus - Cramer's Scrub-hairstreak

    Polyommatinae (03)

    Hemiargus hanno - Hanno Blue
    Leptotes cassius - Cassius Blue
    Pseudochrysops bornoi - Xeric Blue

    Nymphalidae (20): Brush-footed Butterflies  

    Commonly known as the brush-footed butterflies, members of this family have only four functional legs while the forelegs are vestigial. Previously it was separated into different families such as Danaindae, Satyridae, Libytheidae, etc. which now are treated as the subfamilies of Nymphalidae.

    Heliconiinae (03)

    Dione vanillae - Gulf Fritillary
    Dryas iulia - Julia
    Heliconius charithonia - Zebra Heliconian

    Nymphalinae (08)

    Biblidinae (04)

    Biblis hyperia - Southern Red-rim
    Eunica monima - Dingy Purplewing
    Eunica tatila - Florida Purplewing
    Hamadryas februa ferox - Caribbean Cracker

    Limenitidinae (01)

    Adelpha gelania - Antillean Sister

    Cyrestinae (01)

    Marpesia petreus - Ruddy Daggerwing

    Charaxinae (01)

    Anaea borinquenalis - Puertorican Leafwing

    Satyrinae (01)

    Calisto nubila - Puertorican Callisto

    Danainae (01)

    Danaus plexippus - Monarch
