Butterflies of Nepal

    According to Smith (2011) and some recent additions by some other researchers and ourselves, there are 692 species of butterflies documented in Nepal as of now all of which are compiled in a new catalogue by Van der Poel and Smetacek (2023). We are always trying to keep the list updated, as most of the times, subspecies are raised to species level and vise-versa while some doubtful records by Colin Smith in the past are also eliminated. The butterflies of Nepal are very special to us because this is where we started our exciting journey to see and study as many butterflies as we can and to work on their conservation. The species added by us are given a green "NEW" tag beside their names.

    1 / 9
    Acraea issoria - yellow coster
    2 / 9
    Ticherra acte acte - blue imperial
    3 / 9
    Cupido lacturnus assamica - Indian cupid
    4 / 9
    Spialia galba - Indian skipper
    5 / 9
    Gerosis bhagava bhagava - common yellow-breasted flat
    6 / 9
    Coladenia indrani indrani - tricolour pied flat
    7 / 9
    Abrota ganga ganga - Sergeant-major
    8 / 9
    Byasa latreillei latreillei - rose windmill
    9 / 9
    Taractrocera maevius sagra - common grass dart

    The butterflies of Nepal hold a special place in our hearts, as this is where our passion for butterfly exploration and conservation first took flight. It's a country with a rich butterfly diversity, boasting 692 species, according to Smith (2011) and recent updates by ourselves and other researchers, as compiled in the comprehensive catalogue by Van der Poel and Smetacek (2023).

    Note: Susbspecies are not counted in the total. Nepali names are based on KC et al. (2024). Please cite this website if you intend to use any data given herein; cite the original paper for the Nepali names as some names listed on this website were working names and may not reflect the finalized names.

    Rarity Index:
    extremely rare/endangered very rare/vulnerable rare uncommon common
    * beside rarity color represents the species is local. For instance, * represents the species is rare and local.

    Our Progress

    65%    (450/694)
    H P Pi L R N

    Hesperiidae (107/148): Skippers  

    Hesperiids are commonly known as skippers and are members of true butterflies (Papilionoidea). They have hooked antennae and small wings compared to their bulky bodies. Some groups keep their wings closed while some prefer to keep them flat open. Hesperiids have a very fast flight what with some are called swifts and darts.

    Coeliadinae (14/17)

    Badamia exclamationis - brown awl/खोइरो गर्भिणी
    Burara anadi anadi - plain orange awl/सादा सुन्तले गर्भिणी  NEW
    Burara oedipodea belesis - branded orange awlet/गाढा सुन्तले गर्भिणी
    Burara jaina jaina - orange awlet/श्वेत थोप्ले सुन्तले गर्भिणी
    Burara harisa harisa - orange-striped awlet/सुन्तले गर्भिणी
    Burara vasutana - green awlet/हरियो गर्भिणी

    Eudaminae (01/01)

    Lobocla liliana - marbled flat/पाटे थेप्चे

    Pyrginae (26/41)

    Capila lidderdali - Lidderdale's dawnfly/उषापरी
    Capila penicillatum - fringed dawnfly/कालो उषापरी
    Capila jayadeva - striped dawnfly/धर्से उषापरी
    Celaenorrhinus ratna tytleri - Tytler's multispotted flat/रत्नको थोप्ले थेप्चे
    Celaenorrhinus pero lucifera - Mussoorie spotted flat/मुसुरीको थोप्ले थेप्चे
    Celaenorrhinus patula - large spotted flat/ठुलो थोप्ले थेप्चे

    Heteropterinae (00/01)

    Carterocephalus avanti avanti - orange and silver mountain hopper/स्वर्णरजत फड्के

    Hesperiinae (67/89)

    Astictopterus jama olivascens - forest hopper/बनफड्के
    Arnetta atkinsoni - Atkinson's bob/थोप्ले फिट्टे
    Ochus subvittatus subradiatus - tiger hopper/बाघे फड्के
    Baracus vittatus septentrionym - hedge hopper/ध्वाँसे फड्के
    Ampittia dioscorides - bush hopper/सुन्तले फड्के
    Aeromachus kali - blue-spotted scrub hopper/निल्थोप्ले बुट्यान फड्के

    Papilionidae (29/49): Swallowtails  

    Commonly known as Swallowtails, members of this family are some of the largest butterflies in the world. They can be easily recognized by their upturned antennae, lack of palpi, large eyes and the presence of osmaterium in larval stage. Ancient families such as Parnassiinae show some exceptions. Despite the common name, not all species have tails.

    Parnassiinae (0/08)

    Papilioninae (29/41)

    Teinopalpus imperialis imperialis - Kaiser-i-Hind/केसरबुट्टे
    Meandrusa gyas gyas - brown gorgon/कपिशपरी
    Pathysa eurous sikkimica - six-bar swordtail/छ धर्से तरबारपुछ्रे
    Pathysa garhwalica - western spectacle swordtail/पश्चिमी चश्मावाल तरबारपुछ्रे
    Pathysa mandarinus paphus - spectacle swordtail/चश्मावाल तरबारपुछ्रे
    Pathysa antiphates pompilius - five-bar swordtail/पांच धर्से तरबारपुछ्रे

    Pieridae (36/50): Whites and Yellows  

    Also known as the whites and yellows, Pieridae can often be seen mud-puddling. The name "butterfly" is believed to have originated from common brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni which is butter in color.

    Pierinae (24/34)

    Aporia agathon agathon - great blackvein/ठुलो कालोनसे
    Aporia agathon phryxe - great blackvein/ठुलो कालोनसे
    Aporia soracta sara - Himalayan blackvein/हिमाली कालोनसे
    Mesapia peloria - Tibetan blackvein/तिब्बती कालोनसे
    Baltia butleri butleri - Butler's dwarf/ध्वाँसे कालोनसे
    Pieris brassicae nepalensis - large cabbage white/ठुलो बन्दे

    Coliadinae (12/16)

    Lycaenidae (116/193): Blues  

    Also known as the blues because of the blue upperwings of most species, this family contains some of the smallest butterflies of the world. Freyeria putli - least grass jewel, is considered to be the smallest butterfly found in Nepal.

    Poritiinae (01/01)

    Poritia hewitsoni hewitsoni - common gem/रत्न

    Miletinae (05/06)

    Miletus chinensis assamensis - common brownie/छिर्के
    Allotinus drumila drumila - great darkie/ठुलो छिर्के
    Logania distanti massalia - dark mottle/गाढा छिर्के
    Spalgis epeus epeus - apefly/पन्छीबुट्टे
    Taraka hamada mendesia - forest Pierrot/फिस्टे सत्रंजी
    Liphyra brassolis brassolis - moth butterfly/रात कि रानी

    Curetinae (02/02)

    Curetis bulis bulis - bright sunbeam/सुर्यमणि
    Curetis acuta dentata - angled sunbeam/दन्तछाप सुर्यमणि

    Aphnaeinae (04/06)

    Spindasis vulcanus vulcanus - common silverline/चांदीरेखा
    Spindasis schistacea gabriel - plumbous silverline/शिष्ट चांदीरेखा
    Spindasis elima uniformis - scarce shot silverline/कैलो चांदीरेखा
    Spindasis nipalicus nipalicus - silver-grey silverline/फुस्रो चांदीरेखा
    Spindasis lohita himalayanus - long-banded silverline/लामोपाटे चांदीरेखा
    Spindasis syama peguanus - club silverline/कालो चांदीरेखा

    Theclinae (48/96)

    Ahlbergia haradai - prickly ash elfin/टिमुरपरी
    Euaspa milionia - water hairstreak/पाटे केशरेखी
    Esakiozephyrus icana - dull green hairstreak/निश्तेज हरियो केशरेखी
    Esakiozephyrus mandara dohertyi - Indian purple hairstreak/बैजनी केशरेखी
    Chrysozephyrus duma - metallic green hairstreak/गाढा हरियो केशरेखी
    Chrysozephyrus disparatus interpositas - Sikkim hairstreak/सिक्किमको केशरेखी

    Lycaeninae (09/11)

    Polyommatinae (46/71)

    Anthene emolus emolus - ciliate blue/निलाक्षी
    Anthene lycaenina lycambes - pointed ciliate blue/थोप्ले निलाक्षी
    Niphanda cymbia cymbia - pointed Pierrot/ध्वाँसे टाटे निलकिरी
    Orthomiella pontis - straightwing blue/सोझोपंखी निलकिरी
    Orthomiella ronkayana - Nepal straight wing blue (endemic)/नेपाली सोझोपंखी निलकिरी
    Petrelaea dana dana - dingy lineblue/ध्वाँसे निलरेखा

    Riodinidae (11/11): Punches and Judies  

    Commonly known as Punches or Judies, these butterflies show rather weak flight, often perch on leaves with wings half open. They are mostly found inside forests.

    Nemeobiinae (11/11)

    Nymphalidae (150/240): Brush-footed Butterflies  

    Commonly known as the brush-footed butterflies, members of this family have only four functional legs while the forelegs are vestigial. Previously it was separated into different families such as Danaindae, Satyridae, Libytheidae, etc. which now are treated as the subfamilies of Nymphalidae.

    Libytheinae (02/02)

    Libythea celtis lepita - common beak/दन्तपंखी चुच्चे
    Libythea myrrha sanguinalis - club beak/चुच्चे

    Heliconiinae (10/18)

    Nymphalinae (18/22)

    Symbrenthia lilaea khasiana - common jester/विदुषक
    Symbrenthia hypselis cotanda - spotted jester/थोप्ले विदुषक
    Symbrenthia brabira brabira - Himalayan jester/पंहेलो विदुषक
    Symbrenthia niphanda niphanda - blue-tail jester/निल्पुछ्रे विदुषक
    Vanessa cardui - painted lady/सर्बोपरी
    Vanessa indica indica - Indian red admiral/लालमोहन

    Biblidinae (02/02)

    Ariadne ariadne pallidor - angled castor/आङ्कुसे अन्डीर
    Ariadne merione - common castor/अन्डीर

    Limenitidinae (40/57)

    Limenitis trivena pallida - Indian white admiral/श्वेतमोहन
    Limenitis procris procris - commander/कमान्डर
    Limenitis zulema - scarce white commodore/अल्पश्वेत कमरेड
    Limenitis dudu - white commodore/श्वेत कमरेड
    Limenitis daraxa daraxa - green commodore/हरित कमरेड
    Limenitis zayla - bicolour commodore/दोरङ्गी कमरेड

    Cyrestinae (05/05)

    Pseudergolis wedah wedah - tabby/ताम्रराज
    Dichorragia nesimachus - constable/धर्से निलराज
    Stibochiona nicea nicea - popinjay/निलराज
    Cyrestis thyodamas thyodamas - common map/नक्साबुट्टे
    Chersonesia risa risa - common maplet/सानो नक्साबुट्टे

    Apaturinae (07/12)

    Charaxinae (07/11)

    Morphinae (02/04)

    Discophora sondaica zal - common duffer/नत्थु
    Discophora timora timora - great duffer/ठुलो नत्थु
    Thaumantis diores diores - jungle-glory/बनपरी
    Stichophthalma camadeva camadeva - northern jungle-queen/बनरानी

    Satyrinae (46/91)

    Melanitis leda leda - common evening brown/सांझ्परी
    Melanitis phedima bela - dark evening brown/गाढा सांझ्परी
    Melanitis zitenius zitenius - great evening brown/ठुलो सांझ्परी
    Lethe ramadeva - single silverstripe/रजतरेखा
    Lethe baladeva baladeva - treble silverstripe/त्रि रजतरेखा
    Lethe europa niladana - bamboo treebrown/बांसे वृक्षछाँया

    Danainae (11/15)

    Calinaginae (00/01)

    Calinaga buddha gautama - freak/सनकी

    Tentative Species : Awaiting Confirmation  

    These are the species which either need genitalia dissection, or strong photographic evidence to be included in the checklist. Some of these were in the earlier checklists but have been transferred to the tentative list due to the lack of proper evidence. They are also kept in the main list for proper picture comparision but not included in the species count.

    Caltoris cormasa - fullstop swift/पूर्णविराम फड्फडे
    Rapala hinomaru - Nepal flash/नेपाल चमकतेज
    Patricius gaborronkayi - Everest Mountain Blue/गगनचुम्बी निलकिरी
    Neptis capnodes pandoces - Eliot's sailer/इलटको बतासे
    Enispe euthymius - Red Caliph/रातो खलिफा
    Issoria annapurnae - Annapurna silverspot/चांदीथोप्ले अन्नपुर्ण

    Removed Species   

    These are the species which were kept in Smith (2010) but were later removed by Van der Poel and Smetacek (2023) because it isn't certain if the records were from the correct sources. There are no specimens or photographs of the species available from Nepal. Some, on the other hand, such as Iraota maecenas are not valid species anymore.
